+2347053856556 Lafia Road by Yakubu Gowon Way, City Centre, Kaduna

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Dr. I.T. Ige – HOD

Area of Specialization:Medical Consultant


Medical Microbiology is the branch of Medicine that deals primarily with the mechanism of causation, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. It is the pillar on which evidence based diagnosis and management of infectious diseases is rooted. The functions of the Medical Microbiology Department are teaching, research and provision of clinical services.

Medical Microbiology involves specialization in: Bacteriology, Parasitology, Virology, Mycology and Infectious diseases. Professionals like Pathologists and Research Scientists (with specialization either in Parasitology, Bacteriology, Virology, Mycology and Microbial genomics), Laboratory Scientists, Technicians and other supporting staff are employed in the department of Medical Microbiology to facilitate the functions of the department

Medical Microbiology is taught by Medical Microbiologists, who are medically qualified graduates with a postgraduate training in Medical Microbiology Laboratory medicine. Staff of the department can belong to the College of Medicine, the Teaching Hospital or both. Academic staff consists of; Professors, Readers, Senior Lecturers, Lecturers I and II.

Consultants are academic staff of the university as well as honorary clinical staff of the teaching hospital. Their appointments are based on their subspecialties. The department also has resident doctors in-training to specialize in Medical Microbiology. They are either employed by the hospital or university and all function as one.

Technical staff e.g. Laboratory Scientists (who are appointed according to their specialization), technicians, assistant technicians are responsible for carrying out technical aspects of the laboratory work. The Administrative staffs are appointed by the University and Teaching Hospital and are responsible for carrying out establishment matters.

Our department includes individuals with diverse interests and expertise. We recognize each other’s strengths and abilities. We work together, inclusive of all, in achieving our common goals, building this work on open, amicable communication and collaboration.


Consultants in the Department run the Special Treatment Clinic (S.T.C) every Wednesday.


Apart from Medical Students, Teaching and training is organised for Students Residents, Technical Staff and Academicians all year long for continuing medical education.


The Department is currently into researches involving

  1. Aetiology of diseases.
  2. Pathogenesis of disease causation.
  3. Effect of the disease on the structure of the body cells.
  4. Prevalence of certain infectious diseases in the community
  5. Antibiotic stewardship