GENERAL OUT - Patient Department serves as a point of entry for all patients both old and new.
For new patients, folders are obtained from the Record Unit of the General Out – Patient Department, while the old patients’ folders are retrieved from the Central Library. NHIS client folders are retrieved from the NHIS Unit which is located right inside the General Out – Patient hall.
Cases for Consultant Family Physician have to be booked specifically for them.
Consultations: - These include seeing all patients that come to the General Outpatient Clinic (GOPC), both new and old patients.
Seeing all NHIS patients rendering capitation services to the clients and some fee – for – services by the Family Physicians.
Referring patients that need specialist care.
Triaging and resuscitating Accident and Emergency Unit cases at the Accident and Emergency Unit (A & E). 08068425332
CLINIC ACTIVITIES: - - The clinic days are from Monday to Friday including Saturday and Sunday.
The clinic is divided into two sessions:
The morning session, where all the Doctors will clear all the patients that come to General Outpatient Clinic including NHIS clients.
The afternoon session, where the Doctor on call will attend to patients till 6pm to ensure good coverage.